Silvia Faquiri

Dr. Silvia Faquiri (former Rus) is a senior researcher at the Competence Center “Smart Living & Biometric Technologies” of the Fraunhofer Institute of Computer Graphic Research IGD in Darmstadt. She received her Master of Science degree in electrical engineering and information technology (2013) and her PhD in computer science (2021) from Technical University of Darmstadt. She has been working as a research scientist since 2013 performing applied research in Active and Healthy Living with a focus on Human-Computer Interaction, Affective Computing and Ambient Sensor Systems. In these fields she has published numerous scientific publications in journals and conference papers.

As a project manager in both public and industry-related projects, Dr. Faquiri dealt with the detection of the lying position for effective pressure ulcer prevention, she worked on the development of learning applications for people with Down Syndrome as well as on the topic of choosing the right assistive digital solutions for healthcare institutions.

Dr. Faquiri is providing content and organizational support for the “Ambient Intelligence” course at Technical University of Darmstadt.

Publication Type
2023 Measuring the Uptaking of Digital Health Platforms on AAL/AHA Domain
Juiz, Carlos; Bermejo, Belen; Nikolov, Alexander; Rus, Silvia; Carboni, Andrea; Russo, Dario; Moroni, Davide; Karanastasis, Efstathios; Andronikou, Vassiliki; Lievens, Frederic; Berlo, Ad van; Staalduinen, Willeke van; Samuelsson, Christina; Cabrera-Umpierrez, Maria Fernanda
Conference Paper
2023 VeinXam: A Low-Cost Deep Veins Function Assessment
Abt, Vincent; Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Faquiri, Silvia; Kirchbuchner, Florian
Conference Paper
2022 Dynamic Adaptation for Serious Games in Hand Therapy
Kohlhas, Jonathan Maria
Bachelor Thesis
2022 Performance Comparison of E-Textile Electrode Properties in a Capacitive Proximity Sensing Setting
Faquiri, Silvia; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2021 Person Re-Identification in a Car Seat: Comparison of Cosine Similarity and Triplet Loss based approaches on Capacitive Proximity Sensing data
Rus, Silvia; Nottebaum, Moritz; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2021 Extending the Design Space of E-Textile Assistive Smart Environment Applications
Rus, Silvia
Doctoral Thesis
2021 Success and Hindrance Factors of AHA-Oriented Open Service Platforms
Carboni, Andrea; Russo, Dario; Moroni, Davide; Barsocchi, Paolo; Nikolov, Alexander; Dantas, Carina; Guardado, Diana; Leandro, Ana Filipa; Staalduinen, Willeke van; Karanastasis, Efstathios; Andronikou, Vassiliki; Ganzarain, Javier; Rus, Silvia; Lievens, Frederic; Oliveira Vieira, Joana; Juiz, Carlos; Samuelsson, Christina; Ekström, Anna; Cabrera-Umpierrez, Maria Fernanda; Rios Peres, Silvia de los; Berlo, Ad van
Conference Paper
2020 Designing smart home controls for elderly
Rus, Silvia; Helfmann, Stefan; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2020 Person Re-identification in a Car Seat
Nottebaum, Moritz
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Designing a Capacitive Sensing System - a Survey
Bijan, Romal
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Ambient Respiratory Rate Detection Using Capacitive Sensors Inside Seats
Strassheim, Konstantin
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Designing Flexible Capacitive Electrodes based on Performance Measurement while Deformation
Dyroff, Luisa
Bachelor Thesis
2019 Designing Smart Home Controls for Elderly
Helfmann, Stefan
Master Thesis
2019 Designing a Self-Aware Jacket
Rus, Silvia; Braun, Andreas; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2019 E-Textile Capacitive Electrodes: Fabric or Thread
Rus, Silvia; Braun, Andreas; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2019 Designing a General Purpose Smart Textile for a Healthy Lifestyle
Chaudry, Zaki Ullah
Master Thesis
2018 Prototyping shape-sensing fabrics through physical simulation
Rus, Silvia; Hammacher, Felix; Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Braun, Andreas; Große-Puppendahl, Tobias; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2018 The emotive couch - learning emotions by capacitively sensed movements
Rus, Silvia; Joshi, Dhanashree Jayant; Braun, Andreas; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2018 Designing self-aware textiles
Gutjahr, Christian
Master Thesis
2017 Invisible human sensing in smart living environments using capacitive sensors
Braun, Andreas; Rus, Silvia; Majewski, Martin
Conference Paper
2017 Simulation and validation of capacitive sensing on flexible and curved surfaces applied on sleeping breathing rate detection
Manjunath, Nagarjun
Master Thesis
2017 Evaluating the recognition of bed postures using mutual capacitance sensing
Rus, Silvia; Große-Puppendahl, Tobias; Kuijper, Arjan
Journal Article
2017 Assistive Apps for Activities of Daily Living Supporting Persons with Down's Syndrome
Rus, Silvia; Caliz, Doris; Braun, Andreas; Engler, Anne; Schulze, Eva
Journal Article
2017 Emotion detection by evaluating activities for smart home appliances
Joshi, Dhanashree Jayant
Master Thesis
2017 E-textile couch: Towards smart garments integrated furniture
Rus, Silvia; Braun, Andreas; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2016 Unsichtbare Erkennung menschlicher Aktivitäten in Smart Living Umgebungen mit Kapazitiven Sensoren
Braun, Andreas; Rus, Silvia; Majewski, Martin
Conference Paper
2016 Money handling training - applications for persons with down syndrome
Rus, Silvia; Braun, Andreas
Conference Paper
2016 CapTap - Combining capacitive gesture recognition and acoustic touch detection
Braun, Andreas; Zander-Walz, Sebastian; Krepp, Stefan; Rus, Silvia; Wichert, Reiner; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2015 Physical simulation- and reconstruction-framework for shape sensing fabrics
Hammacher, Felix
Master Thesis
2015 Design factors for flexible capacitive sensors in ambient intelligence
Rus, Silvia; Sahbaz, Meltem; Braun, Andreas; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2015 Assessing real world imagery in virtual environments for people with cognitive disabilities
Covaci, Alexandra; Kramer, Dean; Augusto, Juan Carlos; Rus, Silvia; Braun, Andreas
Conference Paper
2014 Klassifizierung von Liegepositionen mittels kapazitiver Näherungssensorik
Maus, Steffen
Bachelor Thesis
2014 Recognition of Bed Postures Using Mutual Capacitance Sensing
Rus, Silvia; Große-Puppendahl, Tobias; Kuijper, Arjan
Conference Paper
2013 Recognition of lying postures using capacitive proximity sensing
Rus, Silvia
Master Thesis
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica aims to analyze the state of the art and the use of open service platforms in the field of Active and Healthy Aging as well as to identify success and obstacle factors.

PAPRIKA's overall aim is to help improve the quality of life of patients undergoing major surgeries in Europe by reducing postoperative complications and speeding up the rehabilitation period.

ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large-Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main purpose is to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in seven European countries.

SmartCushion is a sensor equipped seat cushion which measures physiological signals like activity levels and posture. It supports the users in becoming aware of their sitting behavior and thereby promotes healthy behavior patterns.

Smart Chair
The Smart Chair is equipped with capacitive sensors which detect health exercises executed while using the chair.

Smart City Experience
The interactive exhibit of Fraunhofer IGD, shows how Fraunhofer technologies contribute in scenarios such as citizen participation, age-appropriate living and cyber-security.

In the POSEIDON project we are developing useful apps for people with Down syndrome and their caregivers. These apps are intended to support the independence in different areas of everyday life such as daily planning, travel, shopping and money handling.

The Fraunhofer IGD Living Lab serves as a showroom and test environment for Ambient Intelligence and Active & Assisted Healthy Living applications.