iWOAR 2019 – Call for Papers
Objective of iWOAR 2019 — the 6th International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction — is to discuss these challenges and possible solution approaches.

The workshop focuses on:
- sensors, sensor infrastructures, and sensing technologies needed to detect user behaviors and to provide relevant interactions between systems and users
- data and model-driven methods for intelligent monitoring and user assistance that supports users in everyday settings
- novel applications and evaluation studies of methods for intelligent monitoring of everyday user behavior and user assistance using sensing technologies
- intelligent methods for synthesizing assistance and interaction strategies using sensing technologies
iWOAR 2019 aims to foster the relationship between academia and industry. We strongly encourage industry participants to present challenges, ideas, experiences, novel applications, and studies of existing methods. Accepted industrial papers will be presented in an industrial session during the workshop. The contributions should not exceed a length of 6 pages. The papers written in ACM-SIGCHI format can be published via EasyChair until June 15, 2019.
The event is hosted by the University of Rostock and Fraunhofer IGD. For further information, visit http://www.iwoar.org or contact us: info@iwoar.org.