Automotive Industry

Bespoke software for the automotive product lifecycle

Bespoke software for the automotive product lifecycle

Throughout the automotive industry, we develop next-generation visual interactive solutions for all phases of the automotive product life cycle: from the drafting process and design reviews across technical simulations all the way to quality monitoring during production. In this way, we work with you to create future mobility solutions.
The automotive industry is undergoing an upheaval. Electromobility, autonomous driving, and many other trends are upending established ways of thinking in the market and pointing the way to a new future.

30 years of experience and industry expertise

As a dependable partner at your side, we’ve been setting standards in visual computing for over 30 years. We achieve this with a uniquely broad range of competencies and technologies that we combine and customize for you as needed. A matrix organization lets us offer the right competitive, technical, visual computing capabilities to companies in the industries that we focus on. We boast industry-seasoned, cross-functional teams of experts that also manage projects of all sizes.

International recruits and networks comprising both young talents and established experts

A visual computing collaboration between Fraunhofer IGD and Fraunhofer Austria is the number one address for everything from “innovation speedboats” all the way to long-term transformational projects. This is ensured by our international recruits and network embracing both young talents and established experts.

Specific automotive themes

We’ve been setting standards in visual computing for over 30 years while serving our clients as a reliable partner.

Our success is based on our knowledge and passion for applied research.

  • Production planning and monitoring tools
  • Development and simulation tools
  • Photorealistic 3D printing

  • Computer vision for autonomous driving / driver assistance systems
  • Detection and tracking of objects around vehicles
  • Ergonomics studies, design reviews, advanced visualization solutions

  • Augmented-reality HUD, maintenance, and support for in-car/off-car systems
  • Simulation and evaluation of passenger entertainment with augmented reality

  • Target/actual comparisons for quality control (model- and image-based)
  • Efficient use of advanced hardware

  • Data analysis and visualization to support engineering tasks
  • Systems for visually analyzing large data sets
  • Support for training and maintenance

Selected references: visual computing in use


Use of mixed-reality glasses (HoloLens) for extended infotainment in traveling cars


Model-based quality control in production with automated target/actual comparison of components

Honda Research Institute Europe

Use of our simulation software to speed up design processes in the conceptual phase (structural optimization of crash behavior)




Automatic digitalization in design model making (tape drawing) to reduce interfaces and accelerate the development process

AVL List GmbH

Virtual training (VR) for ergonomic battery assembly


Improved communication and coordination for optimizing automotive development processes with group-wide visualization of simulation data

Opel AG

Automated data acceptance for efficient enabling of virtual global training sessions

Promotives GmbH

Virtual control center (digital twin) for managing autonomous parking facilities and processes

ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Visual and autonomous quality control of airbag detonators in production

VW Commercial Vehicles

Optimization of the nominal/actual values with the help of augmented reality

We’re a partner you can depend on


As your reliable partner, we guarantee high-quality solutions, comprehensive advice, and consistent service.


Our active involvement in science, the economy, and the Fraunhofer Society enables us to set trends and standards.

Easy to use

Our solutions also make it easier for less-skilled users to handle date, and are therefore clearly aimed at providing customer benefits.

Freedom from worry

We take the burden off our clients: by occupying ourselves with application-oriented technology and relevant current trends so you won’t have to do it.

Get to know us!



Interested in collaborating? Let us know!



Fraunhofer stands for topnotch research – and we’re known for our expertise in visual computing. Find out which areas of research we’ve been driving for 30 years.



From prototyping to implementation and dealing with specific issues, we precisely tailor our offering to your needs.


Your expert

Prof. André Stork, Head of the Automotive Competence Center