Prof. Dieter W. Fellner: From reality to virtuality and back to reality
In his easily accessible talk, Dieter W. Fellner, director of Fraunhof IGD, will discuss 3D visualization. The more realistic it seems to us, the more diverse their areas of application. Whether digitally archiving cultural artifacts, presenting products online or prototyping: The level of detail is critical, since exact 3D digitization and 3D reproduction is essential for professional use. The technological advancements and ongoing automation under the umbrella concept of industry 4.0 require and increasing need for research into 3D modeling¾from capture to visualization, to reproduction through, e.g., 3D printing.

3D exhibit with live demos
This exciting exhibit with live demos at the Fraunhofer Institute is open to anyone who is interested. CultLab3D, AR/VR, 3D color printing, the Smart City Experience demo and the Smart Living Lab will be shown. Their areas of application will be explained in detail in a talk by Prof. Fellner at 4.00 pm.
About Dieter W. Fellner
Dieter W. Fellner has been a professor of computer science at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD since 2006. He previously held academic positions at the Technical University of Graz, the Technical University of Braunschweig, the University of Bonn, the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) and the University of Denver (Colorado, USA). He has also been a member of the Hesse Cybersecurity Round Table since its founding in 2016, the chairman of the board of Fraunhofer Singapore, founded in 2017, and he is a consultant with the German Council of Science and Humanities, the German Research Foundation and the European Commission.