
Our expertise: Visual Computing

Our goal is to perform applied research in visual computing that has a substantial and lasting impact. We put people center stage, and leverage interactive visualization to make complex processes easier to understand, with the aim of aiding and improving decision-making.

Our Core Competencies

Fraunhofer IGD is your partner for applied visual computing. We bundle our broad technological and scientific know-how in 15 core competencies.

Digital twins for automotive, healthcare, bioeconomics and infrastructure, maritime economy, and culture and creative economy

Virtual, augmented, and extended reality


- Optimization of geometries, structures, and materials (for 3D printing etc.)

Autonomous 3D reconstruction of geometries and materials

Interactive real time-capable GPU-accelerated simulation algorithms

Model-based monitoring and detection of objects

Capture, processing, and reproduction of visual object properties

Interactive visual support for decision-making based on analysis of large heterogeneous data sets

Problem-appropriate image processing and analysis

Plausible artificial and hybrid intelligence

Smart sensor technology for heterogeneous environments

Edge Computing

Adaptive resource-optimized visual computing

Applied quantum computing

Our research lines

Computer Graphics

Image-synthesis technologies and methods create virtual representations of information, i.e., by generating images. We create virtual worlds for diverse scenarios. Our efficient, flexible processes keep pace with current trends: e.g., shared usage of resources, real-time capabilities, and mobility.

Computer Vision

The visual representation of real, physical objects forms the basis for advanced automation and engineering processes. A variety of sensors ensure high reliability for augmented reality, material acquisition, and 3D reconstruction. Our technologies capture, track, and reproduce objects, their position, and their texture at high speed and with high fidelity.

Machine Learning

By leveraging algorithms to identify patterns and correlations, machine-learning models are able to intelligently process data and draw conclusions. On this basis, we perform image-based quality control and implement automated data analytics for production chains. In addition, we harness machine learning for medical applications, including diagnostics, as well as for AR/VR technologies and counting fish stocks.


We develop technologies that enable humans and machines to collaborate
effectively on the basis of ever-growing data volumes. New interaction modalities, intelligent environments, and visualization methods enhance human-computer interaction in complex, data-intensive applications where robust security is critical.

(Interactive) Simulation

Computer graphics supports and accelerates simulation, i.e., the virtual replication of the behavior of physical objects and phenomena. We develop simulation processes that feature integrated modeling and visualization to speed up design work and enable users to directly interact with and modify the simulation.


Models provide an abstract view of selected aspects of reality within an information processing system. We research 2D and 3D, as well as more complex, higher-dimension models for use in real-world scenarios. Supplementary information is added to make models suitable for new applications and connected solutions.