Eva Klien

Eva Klien studied landscape ecology at the University of Münster, specialising in soil ecology, botany and geoinformatics. From 2003 to 2008, she was a research assistant at the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster. There she worked on various projects about semantic interoperability and completed her doctoral thesis in geoinformatics on the subject of "Semantic Annotation of Geographic Information".

Eva Klien has headed the Spatial Information Management department at Fraunhofer IGD since 2008. Since then, she has successfully coordinated and supported numerous national and international research and development projects focusing on environmental monitoring and infrastructure planning. Her team of experts in visual computing, geoinformatics, cloud computing and AI conducts cutting-edge applied research into the digitalisation, optimisation and automation of data-based processes. With their technologies, they help the economy, authorities and society to understand large amounts of data and complex systems, accelerate planning processes and facilitate communication between stakeholders.

Eva Klien is active as a consultant scientist in various committees and associations on subjects of environmental and geodata, including representing IGD in the Bitkom AK Geoinformation and as a member of the extended management board of the InGeoForum network.

Your contact for:

  • Technology expertise from applied research on the topics of "Digital Twin" and "AI and Big Data".
  • Application development for interactive visualisations with 3D geodata and analysis of large amounts of data with the help of machine learning.
  • Scientific consulting and knowledge transfer in the fields of geoinformation, urban digital twin, artificial intelligence for environmental and geodata.

Publication Type
2023 A Scalable AI Training Platform for Remote Sensing Data
Würz, Hendrik Martin; Kocon, Kevin; Pedretscher, Barbara; Klien, Eva; Eggeling, Eva
Conference Paper
2022 Digitale Beteiligung in der städtischen Mobilitätsplanung
Lortz, Marie; Stahl, Jana; Ritter, Luisa; Iovine, Ivan; Abb, Benjamin; Klien, Eva; Linke, Hans-Joachim; Knodt, Michèle
Journal Article
2021 Big Data Visualisation
Esbrí, Miguel Ángel; Klien, Eva; Charvát, Karel; Zinke-Wehlmann, Christian; Hitado, Javier; Södergård, Caj
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Risikobewertung mit 3D-Stadtmodellen
Bachmann, Matthias; Klien, Eva; Stein, Andreas
Journal Article
2013 Plan4business - A service platform for aggregation, processing and analysis of urban and regional planning data
Mildorf, T.; Jezek, J.; Kepka, M.; Cerba, O.; Klien, E.; Templer, S.; Charvat, K.
Conference Paper
2011 Functional description of geoprocessing services as conjunctive datalog queries
Fitzner, Daniel; Hoffmann, Jörg; Klien, Eva
Journal Article
2010 DeepCity3D: Integration von 3D-Stadtmodellen und Untergrundinformationen
Krämer, Michel; Ruppert, Tobias; Klien, Eva; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Conference Paper
2010 Visualisierung und Integration von dreidimensionalen Untergrunddaten und Stadtmodellen mit DeepCity3D
Krämer, Michel; Klien, Eva
Conference Paper
2010 CityServer3D und tridiconTM CityDiscoverer - Software für die Verwaltung und Visualisierung von 3D Stadtmodellen
Klien, Eva; Krämer, Michel; Hutton, Kathrin
Conference Paper
2009 Using term-matching algorithms for the annotation of geo-services
Grar, M.; Klien, E.; Novak, B.
Conference Paper
2009 The HUMBOLDT project: Towards the harmonisation of spatial information in Europe
Klien, Eva; Giger, Christine; Kristof, Daniel; Reitz, Thorsten; Caceres, Santiago
Conference Paper
2009 GIGAS vereint Umweltprojekte
Klien, Eva; Portele, C.; Bernard, L.
Journal Article
2009 The GIGAS project - an action in support to GEOSS, INSPIRE, and GMES
Klien, Eva; Annoni, Alessandro; Marchetti, Pier Giorgio
Conference Paper
2008 Semantic execution meets geospatial web services: A pilot application
Zaharia, R.; Vasiliu, L.; Hoffman, J.; Klien, Eva
Journal Article
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Eva Klien leads a research team of experts in visual computing, geoinformatics, cloud computing and AI with a focus on the following topics:

  • Visualisations for the digital twin
  • Machine Learning for image analysis of environmental and geodata
  • Cloud computing for processing large amounts of data

We develop solutions for smart infrastructure planning, citizen participation and environmental monitoring with geodata (DTM, DLM, 3D city models, remote sensing data, point cloud data, planning data, ...) as part of research and industry projects. Our current portfolio includes tools for handling large, heterogeneous geodata (big data) in cloud environments and for training and developing AI models. Thanks to our many years of expertise in the field of visualisation, we have various technologies and ready-made software solutions for creating sophisticated visualisations of large geodata. Our applied research focuses on topics such as the control of data processing in cloud infrastructures, ML-based evaluation of remote sensing data and point clouds, and interactive 3D web visualisation.

We are a member of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and actively participate in testbeds and standardisations in the community. We are also a member of the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE), the InGeoForum network, the 3D City Modelling Working Group and the BITKOM Geoinformation Working Group.

Reference projects