A helping hand in a crisis: Health@Hand visual control center for healthcare and administrative data

In these extraordinary times, medical professionals in hospitals need to monitor and manage fast-changing circumstances. Multiple patients, admitted at differing times, have to be supported by falling numbers of staff available for diagnostics, treatment, and care. As a result, employees have to apportion their time and efforts in line with the severity and progression of the disease, and with each patient’s current condition. This requires a high degree of visibility. Fraunhofer IGD’s Health@Hand visual control center visualizes health and administrative data via a digital twin of the specific department or hospital. It clearly displays all relevant data for doctors and nurses to view via a desktop computer or tablet—they can then see where, for instance, a mobile ventilator is currently located. The software provides simple access to all digitally available patient data, including vital signs in real time.

A number of functions were added to Health@Hand during the lastest development stage. These capabilities are especially useful when workloads are high. For example, users can now monitor environments outside the hospital building, e.g., in temporary treatment areas. Furthermore, there is a traffic light system for patients’ infection status, and an overview of employees currently on shift. Consequently, Health@Hand can be deployed as a central control center for data analysis and decision-making in emergency and crisis scenarios. The solution is a single point of access for all information needed to assess the situation and determine a course of action. Critical issues can be addressed faster and tasks completed more efficiently.