Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2019

Shape Modeling International (SMI) (, auch bekannt als Internationale Konferenz für Formmodellierung und -anwendungen, ist ein jährliches Symposium, dessen Ziel es ist, die Verbreitung neuer mathematischer Theorien und neuartiger Computertechniken zur Modellierung, Simulation und Verarbeitung digitaler Formdarstellungen zu fördern.
Die SMI 2019 ist Teil des INTERNATIONAL GEOMETRY SUMMIT (IGS) 2019 und findet vom 19. – 21. Juni 2019 in Vancouver, Kanada statt.
Am Mittwoch, den 19. Juni, stellt das Fraunhofer IGD ein Paper vor:
Effcient Slicing of Catmull-Clark Solids for 3D Printed Objects with Functionally Graded Material
In the competition for the volumetric representation most suitable for functionally graded materials in additively manufactured (AM) objects, volumetric subdivision schemes, such as Catmull-Clark (CC) solids, are widely neglected. Although they show appealing properties, e_cient implementations of some fundamental algorithms are still missing. In this paper, we present a fast algorithm for direct slicing of CC-solids generating bitmaps printable by multi-material AMmachines. Our method optimizes runtime by exploiting constant time limit evaluation and other structural characteristics of CCsolids. We compare our algorithm with the state of the art in trivariate trimmed spline representations and show that our algorithm has similar runtime behavior as slicing trivariate splines, fully supporting the benefits of CC-solids.
Weiterführende Informationen:
- Mehr zum 3D-Druck am Fraunhofer IGD (